Post-Party Detox Plan: How to Recover After Overindulging, Binge Eating, or Binge Drinking
Post-Party Detox Plan –When The Party Ends and Real Life is waiting
Celebrating good times (c’mon) is wonderful. You eat, drink, and have fun with the best of them. Magic is in the air and life is quite sweet. The next day, in comes the post-party energy crash. Ever feel like you overindulged in binge eating or binge drinking at the last office potluck, holiday gathering, birthday party, or on your last (way past due) vacation?
Maybe you felt the bloat, nausea, headache, and dizziness combo first. Or maybe the thought of leaving your bed felt like the challenge of the day. Or maybe you still had some get up and go, but wouldn’t mind having more of a post-party recovery strategy.
I still remember life before using my Post-Party Detox Strategy. Going to my extended Family’s Holiday gathering was like Kryptonite. I’m a foodie and my family is packed with excellent cooks, famous dishes, and desserts. I would enjoy my overindulged meal, and feel a post-party energy crash for the next 72 hours.
What Are The Post-Party Energy Crash Symptoms:
-Brain Fog
-Low Energy
-Increased Mood Swings
-Limited Concentration
Imagine a Different Post-Party Detox Scenario:
Imagine, the party ends and you still have Energy
Or, imagine comfortably waking up with a clear mind post-party?
What if, you felt enough energy to exercise the morning after?
What would your health be like if you knew the tools that let you practice moderation, have good health, energy, and emotional balance? Tools you can use in 1 day for RESULTS!
Learning The Art of Pre and Post Party Detoxing Changed Everything!
There are three opportunities to cancel your post-party energy crash. You have a unique opportunity during the pre-party phase where implementation of specific healthy habit detox planning can give you a great buffer for the soon to come main event. The second opportunity to avoid the post party energy crash is during the party. Right in the middle of eating, drinking, and funning; there’s a few detox planning options that will reduce your post party energy crash. Your last chance to banish your post-party energy crash symptoms is during the post-party cool down.
Pre-Party Phase: At least 24 hours before you go to have fun, eat, or drink at the party.
Make sure to drink 8-12 glasses of water to ensure you are hydrated.
Prioritize eating healthy whole food based meals. See my easy and simple Free Make It Easy Meal Plan for healthy options.
Try to get extra rest the night before if you feel like you may be staying up late.
Try to exercise at least once before going to the party, exercising can help stabilize your mood and counter effect overeating/ overindulging impulses.
During The Party:
Drink water as you go 1-2 cups of water every 2 hours throughout the party.
Try to eat healthy options at the party. Try to practice moderation with any foods that aren’t healthy, eat whatever you want but try to limit eating anything unhealthy to just 10%-15% of your plate.
If drinking, try to limit drinks to 2 cocktails maximum for every 3 hours. This works great for vacationing too!
Post-Party Cool Down:
After the party, make sure to drink 1 more glass of water. This helps to make sure you feel energy balance for your next morning.
Drink my Hangover Cure Lemonade, it helps to remove any sign or symptom of hangover, food poisoning, and detoxes your body as soon as you drink it!
Go to sleep; try to get as much rest as you need. You may notice you are naturally feeling pretty good and can wake up when you normally would.
The Next Day Post-Party:
Make sure to drink 8-12 glasses of water to ensure you are hydrated.
Prioritize eating healthy whole food based meals. See my easy and simple Free Make It Easy Meal Plan for healthy options.
Try to get extra rest the night after if you stayed up late the night before.
Try to exercise at least once the day after going to the party, exercising can help stabilize your mood and help you sweat out toxins.
Using my post-party detox program has changed the outcomes of overindulged fun, eating, and drinking. The unique post-party detox strategies increase your energy reserves for when the party is over. What if you could cancel the energy crash and still celebrate your good times?
My “Hangover Cure” Tonic Recipe:
What to drink to avoid a hangover before going to bed after the party ends.
2 Cups Water
1 Tbsp. Apple Cider Vinegar
2 Tbsp. Monk Fruit Sweetener or Stevia
1/4 Tsp. Activated Charcoal (food grade)
1 Pinch of Sea Salt
3-4 Ice Cubes (optional)
Pour water into a drinking glass. Next, add apple cider vinegar and sweetener. Finally add in the activated charcoal and stir all of the ingredients together. Add ice if you’d like. Enjoy.
Get Your FREE Printable Post-Party Detox Plan Here!
Print Your FREE Post-Party Detox Plan Here
Post-Party Self Care Plan Top 5 List:
Top 5 list of gentle fitness and self care strategies to increase energy, happiness, and concentration.
Get Enough Sunlight: Go for a 20-30 minute walk after having a fun night partying.
Read something inspirational or motivational, after the party ends is a great time to refocus on getting back into your best life goals.
Journal about the party. What did you enjoy? What opportunities were missed? How will you do things the same or differently next time?
Clean up/ organize for 20 minutes. Usually the pre-party prep may include having a slightly disheveled room, kitchen, or bathroom. Take 20 minutes to tidy up your space. This will give you a calmer mind the day after going out to celebrate.
Consider doing a 10 Minute HIIT Workout. Boost your blood flow, burn calories fast, and get an extra post workout calorie burn. Try this 5-minute workout, or others on the Brandi Jackson Wellness YouTube Catalog.
My #1 Hope:
I hope you enjoyed learning about my favorite post-party detox strategies. Be sure to share your real life wellness issues below! I will try to share more posts for you to help you keep up a healthy self care practice for the winter season.
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Sign up for your free 30-minute wellness consultation session to help you glow and live a happier lifestyle. Together, let’s use our Online Therapy and Wellness Coaching sessions to help you overcome your seasonal depression so that you may live your best life during this holiday season and to help you start fresh during the start of the new year.