How to Stop Energy Sucks At The Office: Entrepreneurs and Employees


Is your office draining all of your energy? Are you exhausted more from workplace chaos than your actual work? Are you ready to block your energy vampires and improve your focus and productivity? You could be experiencing office or entrepreneur fatigue. You may have initially been excited to join or start your company with your new colleagues, but now you just feel continuously drained. Maybe now you can’t wait until your workday is over? Could your energy drain potentially be due to how you interact with your coworkers, or how they interact with you? In this article, we will discuss a few ways to help you improve your concentration and boost your office energy.

Think About What Changed

Have you reflected on why you feel your coworkers may be draining your energy? When you first started your individual business or office job, did you spend your personal time bonding with your colleagues or co space peers but have become so busy recently that you no longer feel like you fit-in? Or, do you not feel appreciated when you are always stepping up and overdelivering?

The Unwanted Work Distraction Game

Do you have that coworker who is always the drama king or queen, and you are exhausted by how emotional they may be? Perhaps, you are concerned about your coworkers gossiping and not focused on the pressing professional priorities? Do you have a coworker who is the constant talker and does not allow you to focus on your work because they are so distracting? What about the blamer and belittler you work closely with who never accepts their flaws and errors and always blames you? Or, the envious coworker who consistently fails to engage you on key opportunities. This person may fail to share critical information with you that would contribute to success on your projects?  Do you have specific team members whom you feel you are always spending more time cleaning up after and revising their work?


Talk It Out With Tools

Have you tried mindfully discussing how you feel with your coworkers? Have you scheduled a team meeting or even a retreat so that you all can review what has been going well, what needs to be revised, and discussing strategies so that you can all work together more effectively towards accomplishing your goals? Would a virtual or in-person team bonding retreat be beneficial? This might be a great opportunity to talk through goals with the team or to explain any changes you need to make independently in order to get your work done in a meaningful way moving forward.

The Difficult Contractor ROI

Are you feeling an energy drain from hiring team members to support with contract aspects of your project but now you’re realizing they aren’t as strong as you would have hoped regardless of the amount of energy you provide. Naturally, you may consider your return on investment from your contractor team member.  Are you wondering about letting them go? TIP: As difficult as it may be, try to process your personal feelings and attitude about your contract based team member. ASK YOURSELF: Does my attitude or feelings distract me from what may be best for me professionally regarding this contract team member. If so, it may be time to part ways with your contractor, nothing personal. You can still stay in touch with the colleague personally (if you feel like it) but perhaps working together professionally may not be ideal.

Coping Through it All- Take Care of Yourself at Work

Do you feel increasingly frustrated during certain parts of the day? ASK YOURSELF: Does this agitation  distract my productivity? What’s getting in my way? Take a break to clear your head if you can. Consider meditating or going for a walk to reset. Sometimes, a break may be exactly what you need to refresh and think with a clearer perspective. You could also remember the cool and helpful aspects of working with your team members. Try to remember your why for the work you are doing.

If you are seeking conflict resolution strategies for stressful co-worker relationships, then consider contacting me for your free ten-minute wellness consultation. Talking with a Holistic Mental Health Therapist could help! Let’s talk about and resolve your frustration, your energy recovery opportunities, and any concerns you have. Together, we can discuss strategies to help you adjust your mindset for real energy recovery results and feeling successful at the office.


I hope you enjoyed learning about my favorite office energy recovery strategies. Be sure to share your real life work place wellness issues below! I will try to share more posts for you to help you keep up a healthy self care practice.


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