Simple Conflict Resolution Tips for Dealing with a Toxic Manager or Supervisor

Got Conflict Resolution For Your Toxic Manager?

Got Conflict Resolution For Your Toxic Manager?

Do you enjoy your projects but have felt like your manager or supervisor may be toxic? Short of finding a position with another company or department, have you ever wondered what conflict resolution strategies might help? Well, to help reduce stressful professional and personal challenges; I strive to provide the best of my tried and tested resources to support you. I encourage you to start practicing cognitive behavior therapy this week!

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CBT Can Help

Cognitive behavior therapy can help you reduce your stress, improve your relationship with your manager or supervisor, and overcome personal and professional challenges. It is essential to focus on becoming more aware of your perceptions, beliefs, and attitude that contribute to why you feel your manager or supervisor may be toxic. How can you adjust your mindset so that you can perceive your manager or supervisor in a different light? Have you tried to understand the attitudes, motivations, and behaviors of your toxic manager or supervisor?

The cognitive behavior therapy cycle includes the following elements:

·       Event

·       Thoughts

·       Emotions

·       Behavior

·       Physical Response

As an example, if you have experienced a confrontation with your manager or supervisor in the past, then this confrontation event could influence your current thoughts. If you feel that your manager is toxic, then you may become increasingly frustrated, short-tempered, nervous, and agitated by your manager. This tension if not deescalated could later result in you in arguing with your manager, choosing to leave your position or taking more sick days from the emotional strain.  As a result, not only would you impede your workplace productivity, workplace concentration, and overall energy to get your work done.

Instead, consider working with an experienced mental health and wellness coach who could help you transform your mindset into a more positive outlook?


Talk About Your Feelings, Think about Facts, & The Shared Goal

A simple tool of conflict resolution is to speak about how you feel instead of what the other person may have done that bothers you. This allows your point to be solid and difficult to argue with. Your feelings are a great focus point when resolving conflicts vs. pointing out direct actions of bad behavior done by your boss.

Maybe your supervisor forgets to communicate details for projects and then gets upset when you didn’t read his or her mind. Maybe your supervisor has a habit of reprimanding or speaking rudely to you in front of your peers. Or maybe you have a supervisor who talks over you whenever you speak up in the team meeting. Let’s identify your feelings for the scenarios we just identified. You may be feeling disrespected, frustrated, or stressed as a result of toxic interactions with your manager. Next let’s think of what you want to happen instead, also known as your ask. Maybe you want you manager to increase detail communication, speak with you one to one for feedback, or to allow you to finish your thought without interruption at the team meeting. Ask for what you want using conflict resolution.

Just remember the shared goal, what is the common ground that both you and your manager can agree upon. Let the shared goal be the anchor for your efforts of conflict resolution. Maybe it’s to give your customers or client’s first priority. Maybe the shared goal is a certain quality for your product. Maybe the shared goal is to offer an amazing client customer service experience. Whatever the shared goal is, you can usually find a way to connect it with your ask or what you want from your manager.

Are you concerned about how you respond to your manager due to fear of retaliation or increased exhaustion? Well, what if your workplace conflicts could be eliminated? Whenever you face professional or personal problems or obstacles, it’s easier to move forward when you have conflict resolution tools. I’m here to help you address your workplace wellness challenges, so you can step off the proverbial hamster wheel.

Get Support To Make it Easier

Contact me today for your free 10 minute wellness consultation, and let’s create a custom plan to resolve any tension or conflicts you have with your manager or supervisor. I have some great tools and strategies to help you practice workplace assertive speech, professional boundary setting, and implement workplace stress management tools too! We can work together to resolve your workplace conflicts that cause you to feel that your manager or supervisor is toxic. Let’s set structured goals together so you can address the office issues that cause you to feel workplace toxic stress.

Together, we can review your workplace conflicts and I will help you identify and implement my best workplace conflict resolution strategies. It’s time to leave your office place conflicts behind! Contact me today to learn more about how you can transform your wellness while you work mindset from frustrated to happy, healthy, and holistic.


I hope you enjoyed learning about my favorite conflict resolution strategies. Be sure to share your real life work place wellness issues below! I will try to share more posts for you to help you keep up a healthy self care practice.


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Sign up for your free ten-minute wellness consultation session to help you glow and live a happier lifestyle. Together, let’s use our Online Therapy and Wellness Coaching sessions to help you overcome your seasonal depression so that you may live your best life during this holiday season and to help you start fresh during the start of the new year.


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