How To Stop a Panic Attack With 4 Simple Tips! Ripped From Real Life : Ask a Therapist

Stop Panic Attacks With 5 Simple Tips

Stop Panic Attacks With 5 Simple Tips

Hello Friend!

Welcome to episode number 1 of the “Ripped From Real Life” Ask A Therapist Series where I share a general emotional issue that I have helped my clients address in a live therapy session.

Recently, I had three client’s in one week report having an experience with panic attacks and having difficulty reducing the impact of the panic attack or knowing the best coping tools to reduce anxiety. I thought it may help to share some general suggestions to use so that if you are experiencing a panic attack you can start the work of reducing the duration and or to also reduce the intensity of the attack.

Practice Deep Breathing:

The best way to practice deep breathing is to breath deeply as often as possible. It’s a great practice of defaulting to deep breathing as a regular and daily practice. So regardless to what your doing (unless it’s high intensity exercising) you are regularly practicing taking deep breaths throughout your day not only when you feel stress, anxiety or a potential panic attack coming up.

A best way to practice deep breathing to use the belly breathing method. This is where you will inhale through your nose, allowing air to fill your lungs and to descend down into the base of your stomach. Then exhale the air back out from the base of your stomach, then the air should next travel through your chest and out of your mouth or nose.

Practice Routine Body Work:

Stress is not just held in the mind but also held in the body. You will reduce panic attacks from regular practices to release stress on your body. To reduce panic attack episodes and how long the panic attack will last; practice regular body work to allow your body to release the compound tension and stress you may have relating to your panic attacks. Some body work methods include Emotional Freedom Technique, Acupuncture, Yoga, Massage Therapy, Stretching, dancing, exercise, Tai Chi, Swimming, taking soothing baths and Reiki.

Start Practicing Cognitive Based Therapy

Cognitive Based Therapy is a great tool that allows for review of the emotional trigger causing the panic attack to be linked to the thoughts and fears that happen as a result of the trigger. The isolated thoughts can then be linked to the behaviors that pair with the fearful thoughts that lead to a potential panic attack. From here, you can start to re-develop alternative thoughts and coping strategies when you experience a triggering event. See the diagram below to better see how the Cognitive Behavioral Cycle may look in action.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: How The Cycle Works

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Made Simple

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Made Simple

Talk with a Therapist to Get Custom Support

For some, talking with a therapist can be a tool of changing how panic attacks feel and how to create a customized approach to self care. Working with a therapist can also help you share your experience and get a safe place to address your experience and create a plan for coping practice with follow up. I have worked with many clients who experience panic attacks and one advantage that happens from therapy is continued practice, accountability and resolving any areas where clients may get stuck or feel limited progress.

Watch The Video Below For More Information:

Glow in. Glow Out.


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