How to Handle Being Short Staffed at Work: Top 5 Tips -Wellness While You Work E.1
Wellness While You Work
I have 5 tips to help you handle being short staffed at work. As a Holistic Mental Health Therapist, I realize a majority of my clients have felt or currently feel like they work in a setting that is stressful and understaffed. Some of my clients have the experience of being a “Jill of many trades” self-employed entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs often need to get more jobs done to maintain their business development and company growth. Being short staffed does not happen for long in either style of work but being understaffed can really take it’s energetic toll after a short while. Being in a short-staffed environment can cause burn out over time. Use the 5 tips below to cope with being understaffed as an employee, manager, supervisor, and as an entrepreneur.
If You’re Feeling Understaffed, Remember
Being understaffed is likely temporary:
This is a temporary destination. Remind yourself that this is something that can and will improve over time. Remember that being overstaffed may be uncomfortable and challenging but will not be indefinite.
Focus on your priorities:
There is only so much energy to go around. Now is the time to have a very clear idea of where you need to focus your work efforts because some parts of your work may have to be placed on hold or dropped completely to realistically move forward. Hone in on your priorities and collaborate with anyone at work or in your life who may be able to support you and your essential goals.
Get into a solid self-care daily routine:
It’s really important to have a routine self-care practice when there’s more work to get done and not enough people to do the work. With daily self-care, your approach to work will be in better health. You will do the work better from a place of rest instead of feeling charged from chaos and overwhelm.
Avoid all of the negative energy sucks:
Yes, my friend, this can include people, comforting junk food, and draining conversations with stressful co-workers, employees, and co-space peers. Be strategic about how you interact with the people who feel energetically draining. Also avoid draining solo activities including gossiping, listening to gossip, talking about co-workers, talking about co-space peers, social media scrolling for extended amounts of time. If you must use social media, try to limit the amount of time spent scrolling to no more than 5 minutes a day. Instead; go outside, go get fresh air, drink water. You can go for a walk indoors or outdoors. Or Meditate for 1 minute! I have a free Quiet Room Meditation in case you want to start right now!
Remember To Practice Gratitude to Reframe:
On one hand, being understaffed is hard and not what you would choose for yourself. On the other hand, you are learning new skills and helping to business move forward. You are also (hopefully) getting support for life sustainment from your income. Money by no means equates to happiness, but money can be helpful to remember your efforts at work are helping you to have some of the things you do appreciate. Things like shelter, reliable access to transportation, access to nourishing food, clothing, or running water, and electricity. And finally, it’s possible and an opportunity to remember you are in charge of the decision to not go to work or to go work every day. Be the consequences good or bad, you ultimately are making the decision or non-decision. The choice is yours to choose.
Your FREE 1-Minute Guided Meditation Video
I hope you enjoyed learning the top 5 tips to handle being short staffed at work. Be sure to share your work place wellness issues below! I will try to share more posts for you to keep up a wellness while you work practice.
Glow in. Glow Out.
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