How to: 7 Day Self Care Cleanse for Wellness Recovery
What is a Self Care Cleanse?
The 7 Day Self Care Cleanse:
Self-care is often related to self-love which, I use interchangeably to describe when individuals take time for themselves doing healthy methods of relaxing and or processing emotions. Self-care is the key to being able to say in the present.
AND, when you practice self-care you affirm your own importance and recharge your mind and body. I have some suggestions below if you would like to try my favorite methods for a 7-day self-care cleanse. Try it! You'll feel all good vibes, more energy, and a whole lotta PEACE!
For Funsies, I wanted to include a cool self-care article I found that shares more of a mental health point of view. Just click the button below to check it out!
Steps for your self-care cleanse:
Try 5-10 methods for 7 days in a row!
1. Cancel your social media. Avoid using Instagram, Facebook, Youtube or other social media platforms. This includes online games and phone games and apps too. Why? Because the social media and games are connected to screens which have blue-light which can alter your ability to sleep. The social media and online or phone-based games are also designed to keep you engaged for extended periods of time and can trigger higher stress levels.
2. Check email only 1-2x per day. Why? There is a dopamine kick (a chemical reaction in your brain) that your body receives after opening email or seeing social media posts and updates. This can drive repetitive behavior creating addictive behavior patterns.
3. Meditate Daily: Aim for 5-10 minutes minimum. Meditation is key to help keep your mind refreshed and alert.
4. Ready Daily: Fuel your mind with the new. Add a new audiobook or paperback to your reading session.
5. Exercise Daily: Exercise for 20-30 minutes every day and remember walks count.
6. Foster Quality Time: Spend time with your family and friends. Call instead of texting. Create a connection.
7. Eat Clean: Eat healthily and you will feel healthy. Find healthy treats to replace junk food cravings, then you don't have to miss out or feel that sluggish post junk food feeling.
8. Hydrate Daily: Drink 8-10 glasses of water per day. The medical recommendation for daily hydration is half your body weight in ounces per day. Add 8-16 ounces if you drink caffeine.
9. Journal Daily: Clear your mind by putting your thoughts and goals on paper. You will notice improved emotional health from journaling when your feeling sad or upset because as you think and write down your thoughts, you get to process your emotions at the same time!
10. Wear Clothes that make you happy: Dress like your here to inspire yourself. When we dress down we might feel less visible. Feeling invisible can be a bummer. Wear the clothes that make you feel confident and beautiful.
Let me know if you give this 7-Day Self Care Cleanse a try! Watch the 2 part video series below to find out how I felt before and after completing the 7 Day self-care Cleanse also known as 7DSCC.
Part 1 Before Starting the 7DSCC
Part II After Completing the 7DSCC
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Wishing you all the best,
Brandi J.
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