Spiritual Symbolism For Shark Spirit (Shark Energy Meaning): Spiritual Awakening For Beginners

Shark Energy Am I Right

Let’s talk about spiritual symbolism for the great Shark Spirit also known as Shark Energy.

Diving into the spiritual meaning of sharks and I have to tell you like I've been wanting to put this symbolism video and blog together for a while. I happened to be at the dentist office for like a super long appointment got some oral surgery and dental officer offices excited to see a lot of information about sharks as an option because I've been saying 1 to put this together for some time and when I finally had time because I couldn't go anywhere but sit there for my dental appointment there was an option to find out more about sharks and their history which can relate to spiritual symbolism so I'm going to share a combination of facts as well as my intuitive understanding of what sharks are really meant to represent spiritually speaking okay so the apply your intuition for any spiritual symbolism that resonates with you very very much have our own understanding and association with any spiritual symbolism so for sharks here's what we know.

The OG’s Are In The Building

Sharks actually pre-date dinosaurs by several million years which was quite a surprise to me so this is one of the eldest living organisms/ OG status. I also believe that is interesting that if you are spiritually connected and feeling shark energy perhaps you are in the process of figuring something out that is important for your personal growth and development.

Another interesting thing about sharks is that they have varied personalities so there's lots of different types/ bread types of sharks and there's not just one type of shark. There's a sub species of great white white shark, hammerhead shark, and other different species/ subspecies within the shark family so we can also see the spiritually as similar to be your own type of sharp so if your feelings Shark Energy please know that you might be a very specific type of shark as well.

More Facts On facts

Another thing about sharks and that they have a scanning patterns so whenever they are in the water they're always scanning and looking around and being aware of their surroundings. They have more than one way to do this of course they use their senses are able to assess their environments that's what I'm really trying to say if you're feeling shark energy perhaps you are assessing your environment and you're looking at what's happening around you more closely.

Another thing that is really interesting for sure is that we all know is the sharks sense of smell which is immaculate and their senses actually help guide them to be nourished to feed and to prey you know to stay alive so their survival is based on their sense of smell be aware and use their senses allows them to practice survival so this may also apply spiritually speaking of being aware of your surroundings apply in your senses and intuition in order to ensure survival and health.

I also really thought it was interesting that the sharks of the number one predator of the sea spiritually speaking the sea and water always indicate emotions so perhaps this is where you may find that you are really in an experience of personal Mastery of emotions or awareness of emotions as well.

More About Sharks

To hear all of my thoughts regarding shark energy and spiritual symbolism please consider watching the video I created (posted above) to share more details as you consider spiritual symbolism and spiritual awakening.


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Brandi Jackson