How To End A Twin Flame Or Soulmate Connection

The Twin Flame & Soulmate Connection

I wanted to do an article about twin flame soulmate connections because I have had a lot of time to research also personal experience connections. I wanted to share some important things to consider if you don't want to have your twin flame connection at this time.

Many on the Twin Flame journey don't want to continue the connection if it’s unhealthy or not moving in a positive direction. Some on the journey will ask “how do I get it to go away” or they may say “I don't want to be thinking about this person any longer”. I want to offer some tools because severing like the connection in your twin flame connection or your soulmate connection is possible.

Some will say “well if this is a real twin flame relationship or potential soul mate; you can't technically sever the relationship because you two are automatically connected that as you are the same soul” and what I would say to that is yes and you can still decline to have the attention or the energy overlap with the other party. You can reduce that in my opinion, it does take some work in practice. There are different tools that really help.

No Denial Required

It's not about being in denial about the connection, it’s just using using your vote power and your freedom of will to not engage in the energy if you don't want to. That is something that is within you to decide. When you have an energy overlap and kind of back and forth energy sharing; you can transfer energy back and forth. You may feel like you know what they are experiencing in their life even if you're not talking to them regularly. For example, you might say hey I don't know why I don't really like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches but I really want one out of the blue. You might find that you can hear their thoughts or words ( if you experience clairaudience).

Clairaudience tends to have it’s own path for clarity vs. being an at will experience. If so might hear specific things that your twin flame may be thinking or saying or potentially also as they are listening to something you might here something hear something or someone that they are listening to.

Energetic Portals

Sometimes humans can't always control when they open up energetically and may not always know when they're opening up energetically speaking so you do have to pay more time and consideration of what's going on with you as an individual to figure that part out a little bit more. When you feel that your wish for your person is to wish your person success , happiness, gratitude and to bring the connection to a close please consider a few closing recommendations before closing the connection.

Temporary Goodbyes

Please remember in some way there's a life lesson that is attached to any soulmate connection that you have, you don't want to sever the lesson of the connection because if you don't know the lesson you were meant to learn, it may show up in your future relationships. I recommend is that you ask your spirit team to protect and limit access for the connection by asking your spirit team (that's God your angels are archangels your ancestors if you have a spiritual practice and have a spiritual Guardian also calling your spiritual Guardian who guards your energy and ask them) to protect you from access to that person and to remove access from your soulmate so that way it is all about you and your spirit team determining what is appropriate energy and you will notice potentially if you're really authentic about that and it's not a game your spirit team will step in and support you.

Next consider speaking with your twin flame sometimes with twin flames and soulmates there’s a telepathic energy link so you can speak with your twin flame and have the talk and you could have a talk out loud you can feel like telepathically linked but you want to be able to express whatever it is you need to express which may have not been able to express directly before. So have the talk even if you're not talking on the phone or texting or emailing or whatever. The talk may sound like thank you very much I wish this could have worked out differently but I respect you and the journey and I appreciate you. I wish you well blah blah blah you could also write potentially a goodbye letter.

That's the next suggestion write a goodbye letter; in your letter write all the things that happened and all the thoughts that you have had and the lessons you have learned. Share what makes you grateful for the connection.

After that ask Spirit to sever the 5D connection which means the astral plane connection for how you and your soulmate twin flame have an ongoing amount of connection. You can ask your spiritual team to sever the connection until you are ready or interested move forward. You're essentially asking that the connection will have reduced or no access for your soulmate coming into your dreams, coming into your energy, coming into your memory. You can ask your spirit team to support access for your best and highest good.

Refocus & Replenish

Next, refocus on something that is centered on you, the soulmate and twin flame relationships are meant to teach you to pull back into yourself for your energy and attention back to you and what you're working on what your legacy will be what your life purpose is so get back to you.

Even like the synchronicities around the person hearing or seeing their name all the place all that should also slow and calm down more naturally and then the other thing that I like to do personally because I have an issue about having a spiritual downloads when I'm sleeping and the dreamlike state is I intend to sleep with like Onyx crystals for dream protection and guardianship.

If you say you're done and you're about what you're saying then you're going to be fine but you have to decide to be done and you have to mean that with authenticity. Severing your connection works but if you can't do that to be honest with yourself about where you're at emotionally in your journey then that will lead you to the space of getting overwhelmed.


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