What does H.E. R. stand for? HOLISTIC - ENERGY - RESTORATION
This Event is a Woman- only event! Invite a friend! & Bring Your Yoga Mat:
The H.E.R. Holistic Self-Care Day Retreat Event Includes:
Gift Bags for the FIRST 10 Attendees!
A Healthy Catered Lunch (*ticket option, you can bring your own food as well)
Kombucha will be on Tap!
Holistic NATURAL HAIR CARE & Confidence Workshop
Holistic NATURAL SKINCARE & Confidence Workshop
Holistic NUTRITION & Energy Recovery 101 Workshop
Holistic BODY WORK practice for Healing Workshop
Sound Healing Session
Journaling for Clarity Processing Circle
Yoga Flow & Movement Session
Group Meditation and Reiki Healing Session
Private Access To the HER Holistic Market (*optional)
Bring Your Yoga Mat and get ready to sweat!
Get your tickets at www.spiritualandmindwellness.com