10 Ways To Reduce 2020 Election Stress & Anxiety: Tips From A Holistic Therapist


As the 2020 election draws nearer many of my clients have been reporting feeling stressed and anxious about the election. I wanted to offer some support to quell or manage your 2020 election stress and anxiety. I came up with 10 helpful tips to help you manage during the election season.

1. Reduce or Moderate Election Based Media Consumption

Pay attention to the amount of time it takes you to get adequate information regarding the election to feel informed without over consuming content. The amount of time will vary from person to person but you could try 30 minutes once a week or 30 minutes every other day. The amount of time for you personally may be more or less but keep in mind that no individual benefits from consuming media 24/7.

2. Prep to Do Your Part

This point speaks to being prepared to be a voter. There are numerous things to consider on your path of exercising your right to vote. For instance, are you already registered to vote? If not, register to vote now. You will also want to consider where in your area you can go to cast your vote. One more thing to note is to make sure your current address is up to date to ensure that your ballot goes to the right address when you go to vote. I also encourage you to do your part and work on the census as part of our civic duty too.

3. Consider Volunteering

If you have the capacity, consider volunteering for a community organization that aligns with your morals and values. I didn’t mention volunteering for any specific party because before the elections we are first members of our local community. If there is an opportunity that would benefit from your skill set consider participating in a recurring partnership with them. This is a great opportunity to give back while also getting an understanding of the bigger picture in your community. Another added benefit of volunteering is opening up our hearts and making us feel more satisfied in our community.

4. Create a Hope Filled Mindset

This point is all about consuming inspiration on a daily basis. The more you are feeling sad, anxious and scared the more I recommend consuming positive content. Start with consuming positive content 3 times per day. The inspiration acts as medicine to help balance the negative emotions you are feeling. It will allow you to get into a space where you can process your negative emotions better.

5. Make Time For Self Care

Self care is a tool to refuel your spirit and your soul. The more that you are slowing down, the better your wellness game will be. When you focus on yourself more, it will help you feel better in every aspect. It allows you to nourish yourself and better prepare for any negative incoming energy. A self care practice is beneficial for regular stress and anxiety management but it is especially helpful during times of increased stress and anxiety such as election season.

6. Practice Solid Sleep Hygiene

The more your sleep is regulated, the more your mind can recover from stress and anxiety that you’re experiencing. You may be able to balance out the stress you’re experiencing fairly well at the moment but in general you need adequate rest to recover your body and your brain. Rest helps you manage your emotional health as well. Practicing great sleep hygiene will greatly improve all aspects of your life and it is a huge key piece in your health and wellness journey.

7. Moderate & Cultivate Trigger Free Interactions & Conversations

I’m sure you can relate to being in a conversation with a relative, friend or coworkers where they have said something about the election that triggers you to roll your eyes. I have had instances where clients have said interesting things to me that caused me to pause and hold space for their feelings even if they were different from my own. You’ll want to prepare for these conversations by having your own talking points. This will reduce the friction and the triggers attached. I like to consider what other pieces of conversation I could pull out when someone says something triggering to me about the election. Consider how you can refocus the conversation into one that you feel comfortable to manage and have the emotional energy to tolerate.

8. Work With a Therapist

I have clients at the moment that are working with my specifically because they are looking for a safe space to express their emotions regarding the 2020 election. I applaud my clients who have decided to work with me during election season. I encourage you to recognize what you need and take care of yourself before any issues arise. There are many different styles of therapy so take some time to explore your options to see what would be a good match for you and your goals. If you’re curious about holistic therapy during the election season or for other reasons in your life, contact me and I would be happy to see if we are a good fit.

9. Journal and Process

Allow yourself to take time to express your feelings and get them on paper. Journalling is a great tool for processing and figuring out your own solutions for what you think would be helpful. In the process of writing out the situation and seeing everything laid out on paper you are able to look at things from a distance and evaluate your next move to help you. I encourage you to start a weekly journal practice or at the very least journal when you feel intense emotions.

10. Unplug Regularly

The final point I want to touch on is the importance of unplugging. I strongly encourage you to take at least one day a week where you are completely unplugged. Choose a day that will work best for your schedule and a time that you won’t need to be available to take phone calls or have access to your computer or cell. You can take it a step further and go without TV as well. This is a great time to go outside and connect with nature. With the impeding stress of everyday life we can sometimes forget about how good it feels to be in nature. Decide what amount of time is going to work for you to start this practice and implement it into your life to feel more grounded and centered.


I hope you enjoyed learning about some of my tips to improve your wellness and health journey. Be sure to share your real life wellness questions below!


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