Crystals 101: How to Use for Energy & Emotional Healing Detox & Protection Benefits
Hi Wellnista's!
I wanted to share how to use crystals for healing benefits, increased energy, and spiritual protection.
Crystals are amazing. I use crystals daily in my healing practice and personal journey. I was introduced to crystals a few years ago when I began my practice of daily meditation. Some of the meditation blogs I followed at the time, utilized crystals for increased alignment benefits. I became curious and found so much data, research and support that I was convinced to give crystal healing a try.
What are Crystals?
Crystals are energy, formed from liquid molecules and pressure stabilizing over extended periods of time. Crystals are living as everything (all matter) is living. Crystals provide positive, neutral or negative energy the same as all living organisms.
Healing: Crystals are wonderful for healing emotional illness and increasing physical health including a treating the common cold, flu, sadness, depression, anxiety, increase focus, sexual health, digestion, metabolism, cancer and more. Per my research crystals have a wide array of supporting healing energies. However, I do not have personal experience for treating each previously listed illness above. There is a ton of information and testimonies throughout so don't be a stranger just add whichever illness with the phrase "crystal healing" or "crystal treatment" and you will be well on your way to a wealth of information.
Protection: Being that crystals exude different energies and vibration frequencies, you can use crystals for protection. Garnet Stone, Blood Stone and Augite happen to be some of my favorites for spiritual and emotional protection.
Detox: You can use crystals to detox emotionally, spiritually, mentally and physically. All of the energies from crystals can be used in a healing session including Reiki, meditation, spiritual baths, and massage therapy.
Ways to use:
Under your Pillow: Place crystals under your pillow to increase healing energies while you sleep.
In you Bra: Place crystals in the left side of your bra because it's closer to your heart and symbolically aligning with healing your chi (your beating heart).
Meditation: Place crystals around you/ on you or hold them during your meditation session to increase energy healing during your the session.
Jewelry: Wear your crystals. There are many online shops that make crystal jewelry. You can also find crystal jewelers at street fairs and boutiques locally.
Bath & Body: You can add crystals to your oil blends, face washes, whipped body butters, soaps and more. Any liquid based bath and body product can host crystal energy. Allow the crystals to cure in your products for at least a week or longer for to increase healing energies in your bath and beauty products.
How to Recharge/ Clean Crystals:
You can recharge crystals in water to refresh the energy vibrations. You can also smudge your crystals with a Sage Stick which is helpful for purifying the crystal energy.
Watch the video below for more details:
Share your favorite crystals below!
Stop by the shop to see the new crystals in stock at the Wellness Lab:
Wishing you all the best,
Brandi J.
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